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The wraparound

Foundations of Posing For Any Occasion!

February 23, 20243 min read

Have you ever seen those photos where the couple wasn’t captured in a flattering way? As if they were put in a pose that made the photo feel cheesy? Well in this blog post I am going to help you leave the cheese behind and look flattering no matter what situation you find yourself in by following these basic principles:

  1. Good Posture is key: There are two big things to keep in mind for maintaining good posture. First, you will want to straighten your back as if there was a string pulling you up from the top of your head. Be sure to keep it natural (don’t be stiff). You want to maintain the natural curve in your lower back. Second, pull your shoulders back about 1-inch. This will puff out your chest a little bit showing confidence. In the picture below you can see that groom are maintaining good posture and they look confident.

    Good Posture

  2. Motion: If you can incorporate some kind of motion in your portraits it will make your photos look more natural. For example the easiest one is instead of holding a posed smile you could add motion to it by laughing.


  3. Directing Motion: If you direct the motion by walking together or dancing or pulling each other in for a kiss then it captures a beautiful candid moment.

    Leading The Way

  4. Uneven Weight Distribution: To look natural and not like a cheesy superhero stance when standing simply put your weight on your back leg. If you're sitting you can cross your legs to get the same result.

    Uneven Weight Distribution

  5. Where To Look?: Where your eyes are directed can change the feel of the portrait. For example looking directly at the camera can create a very bold image while looking at your significant other or softly towards the side makes the photo feeling more romantic. Photographers and videographers will usually have couples pay close attention to a specific place behind them. When a person is focused on something, it engages the parietal lobe in the brain, which brings out a very captivating look in the eyes. In the photo below it gives a more romantic feeling with the couple facing each other, foreheads touching and eyes closed.

    Foreheads Touching looking down

  6. Where To Place Hands/Arms?: Hands and arms are used to lead attention to the correct places in a portrait. Some fun things to do is hold the bouquet or feel the fabric of your dress. Also, for close ups on the head it is good to use the hands and arms to lead up to the face. This will get rid of “the floating head” (something you don’t want). In the picture below you can see the interlocked arms are used to lead attention up to the bride's head resting on the groom's shoulder.

    head resting on grooms chest with arms interlocked

  7. Relax: In order to avoid looking stiff it is important to relax and enjoy the process. This will make you feel powerful and beautiful.

Groom Leading The way

Remember, these foundational principles. You can build off them to adapt and customize poses based on the your preferences. Now with your solid foundation adding in communication, flexibility, and creativity with your photographer and videographer you will be able to achieve stunning and meaningful wedding portraits.

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